How To Get The Best Smile For Your Wedding
For many people, the wedding is one of the greatest days in their lives. It is no wonder that many people want to look as perfect as possible on their wedding day. For example, if you have imperfect teeth, you may want to improve them for your wedding. Here are a few useful tips that can help you get your smile right for your big day.
Start Early
Start your quest for treatment as early as possible. Ideally, you should schedule a consultation with the dentist soon after you get engaged or set a wedding date. This is especially true if you have extensive teeth problems. An early start helps you in two main ways. First, some treatments take time and are not suitable for last-minute executions. Secondly, early treatment gives you time to fix mishaps that might arise before the wedding date.
Opt For Fast Treatments
Some people plan for weddings way in advance while others opt for a short time between the engagement and the wedding. If you only have a short time to plan your wedding, consult your dentist on fast-acting treatments. For example, a couple of months or so might not be enough to straighten your teeth with braces. However, you can straighten your teeth via other means; for example, you can use veneers to hide small to moderate imperfections.
Watch Out For Regression
Some treatments regress after some time. For example, your teeth are likely to be whitest a day or two after your whitening treatment; they might darken slightly with time. However, there are things that can accelerate the regression. Smoking, neglecting your oral hygiene, and eating and drinking discoloring food can all contribute to the regression. Avoid such habits if you want to maintain white teeth until your wedding date. Another example is misaligned teeth that might begin to slip back to their usual treatments after straightening. You may need orthodontic retainers to preserve your teeth's alignment.
Do a Last Minute Touch-up
If you do your treatments early enough, there is a risk that some regression might interfere with your perfect smile by the time your wedding date comes along. Consider a last-minute touch-up if you want the brightest smiles on your wedding day. You can use home whitening treatments, such as whitening trays, to whiten your teeth a day or two before the wedding. This can be particularly helpful if you have experienced considerable color regression since you whitened your teeth.
Talk to a cosmetic dentist to learn more.